Investing in Forestry Initiatives

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a $1,500,000 grant for two forestry initiatives. The first initiative will create two Arborist project positions for 4.5 years, and the second will widen the opportunities of the Operation Fresh Start crews working on Dane County Parkland to include hands-on experience in urban forestry management.

Supervisor Chawla (District 6) said of the grant, "Dane County has a strong mutually beneficial partnership with Operation Fresh Start where youth learn forestry skills as well as receive education, mentorship and training while maintaining and improving Dane County park land and trails. We look forward to investing in this partnership to prioritize our goals of conservation and to fight for climate resiliency."

The overarching goal of these initiatives is “to increase tree planting and urban forestry maintenance on Dane County Park properties located in disadvantaged communities across Dane County” per the resolution.