Civic Involvement

  • Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara (SASY) neighborhood association Yahara representative - 2016 - 2018
    Worked as neighborhood association rep to advance the interests of residents, businesses and organizations. Worked as an AtwoodFest volunteer assisting with social media, bartending and KidsFest.

  • Progressive Dane (PD) - Steering Committee - 2004 -2007, 2016 - present
    As a Progressive Dane member (2000 - present) worked on outreach, membership and elections. Received PD unsung hero award in 2004 for helping with web site upgrades and improving use of technology. Served as PD Co-Chair from January 2017 - October 2017. Canvassed, built web sites and participated in lit drops for multiple local election campaigns.

  • Democratic Party - Volunteer and Canvasser - 2004 - present
    Knocked on doors in support of presidential, gubernatorial, state assembly, US senate, and congressional campaigns. Participated in multiple canvassing shifts in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2016 elections.

  • City of Madison Election Official - 2014 - present
    Worked as an Election Official primarily at Ward 42 - Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center.

  • City of Madison Absentee Ballot Courier - 2016
    To facilitate early voting, served as absentee ballot courier to pick up ballots from Hawthorne Library and deliver to City Clerks office during early voting period in 2016 election.

  • Volunteer Head Count - 2016 - present

    HeadCount is a non-partisan organization that works with musicians to promote participation in democracy by registering voters at concerts.

  • City of Madison Special Registration Deputy - 2016
    Worked as a voter registration volunteer for the City of Madison. The program was suspended in 2016 when Scott Walker signed a law that did away Special Registration Deputies in favor of online voter registration.

  • Legacy Solar Co-op Member - 2015 to present
    Worked to promote "Switch to Solar" program from Legacy Solar Co-op. This programs allows people to offset their energy usage with 100% local renewable energy. Participants directly support their neighbor’s solar installations while simultaneously giving themselves a cleaner carbon footprint.

  • Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center - Rent Event DJ - 2014 to present
    DJ'd annual fundraiser that raises money for Safe Harbor. Safe Harbor seeks to reduce the trauma to children who are victims of abuse or neglect or witnesses to crimes, by promoting the coordination of multi-disciplinary investigations, conducting forensic interviews in a child-friendly environment, and providing ongoing advocacy to affected children and families.

  • Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center - Ron Boylan Motorcycle Ride - 2014 to present
    Set up sound equipment and DJ'd motorcycle ride in memory of Dane County chief deputy Ron Boylan who passed away from cancer in 2011.

  • Fighting Bob Fest Volunteer - 2014
    Managed beer tent and bartenders for political festival that draws 5,000 people.

  • The Progressive 100th Anniversary Conference - 2009
    Managed logistics and detailed conference speakers including Robert Redford, Keith Ellison, and Dennis Kucinich.

  • Co-Founder Premiere Generation Ink (PGI) - 2000 to 2007
    Published literary magazine featuring local and national poets. Hosted monthly open mic and writers' workshops, as well as special events including Poets Against the War, Banned Books week readings, and poetry writing parties under the moonlight. Publication included poetry from Martín Espada and interviews with Naomi Klein and Fugazi. PGI was described by Isthmus (9/10/2004) as "one of the most ambitious and dependable local lit zines and scenes."