Please join us on 12/3 for "Ballots, Burgers and Brews" to help get Yogesh on the Ballot!

I invite you to join me at the Harmony Bar and Grill (2201 Atwood Ave.) for the event "Ballots, Burgers and Brews" on Sunday December 3rd from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Please drop by to sign my nomination papers to help get me on the ballot and kick off my re-election campaign!

There are many ways you can help my re-election effort:

  1. You can reply to this email or contact me and let me know if I can list you as a public supporter. Please let me know if you live in the district as well.

  2. You can make a financial contribution to help us come out of the gate strong as this has been a challenging term:

  3. You can show up to the event to sign my nomination papers or if you can't make it, you can reply to this email or contact me and I can stop by to get your signature after December 1st.

I hope to see you at the kick-off. We will have some appetizers, beer and soda, and lots of good company at one of our favorite neighborhood bars. There will also be music by DJ Punjabi 5.0. I hope to see you all there!