
Hello District 6!  As your long-time neighbor, it is a privilege to get to live, play and work alongside so many of you.  There is no greater honor than representing you on the Dane County Board because our district deserves an activist who will work hard to implement progressive change for our community.  

I have lived in our district for over 14 years with my daughter Goldie and our dog Atwood; every year I have worked hard to elect progressive candidates to all levels of government through my work with Progressive Dane and the Democratic party.  We have an urgent call to action to rebuild our politics from our neighborhood up to our national government, starting right here in District 6 of the Dane County Board. 


When my parents landed in the United States in 1976 from India, they had the American dream in their heart. They struggled, but were supported along the way by the best that America had to offer, and I owe them everything I have in life today.  

The American Dream that we had is out of reach for many of our neighbors. We will change that.  My mom and dad taught me that everyone deserves a fair shot at a bright future. They worked long hours and used whatever resources they had to help their friends and neighbors.  

When I knock doors to elect progressive candidates, something I have done in every election since 2004, I think about the sacrifices my parents made.  I think about my mom and dad when I am organizing political meetings, putting out a call to action or going to a neighborhood meeting.  I believe that the consistent work we do to improve our community will help us realize our vision for a just society.  I will never stop believing it and working for it.


District 6 is one of the most progressive districts in the entire country.  We work hard to make our neighborhoods inclusive, equitable and politically active.  I have worked to continue that tradition through my work on the Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara (SASY) neighborhood association, as a city of Madison poll worker, and as a volunteer and organizer at many of our neighborhood events.

I have tried to instill that District 6 philosophy in Goldie, and you will often see us volunteering as a family or goofing around the neighborhood with our puppy Atwood. When you see us, please come say hi because you are what makes this neighborhood what it is. 

You are the smartest and most informed voters in the country, and I know how seriously you value our democracy. There is no great honor than representing you on the Dane County Board.



Over the past 17 years in Madison, I have worked on many campaigns for city council, county board, school board, mayor, school board referendums as well as state and federal campaigns.  I love to canvass and talk face to face about voter's concerns and visions for the future.  We can take back our country one door at a time.

I am also a poll worker, working primarily at ward 42 at Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center.  In 2016, I served as an Absentee Ballot Courier for early voting and a Special Registration Deputy.  I also enjoy registering voters at concerts through the organization Head Count.

Click here for a more complete list of my civic involvement and here to learn more about my professional experience.

In the Neighborhood

When I am not engaged in politics, I love to volunteer in the community with my daughter Marigold Chawla.  I am the former Yahara representative of the Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara (SASY) Neighborhood Association. I enjoyed volunteering at AtwoodFest, Fighting Bob Fest and The Ron Boylan Motorcycle Ride that benefits Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center.  We invest our time to raise money for groups that share our vision of a more equitable society.


Direct Action

It is important for us to be in the streets and make our voices heard.  Democracy is only strong when citizens directly petition our government and vociferously defend our rights and those of our fellow citizens.  

Like many of our neighbors, we have stood in solidarity as we have protested the corrosive effects of Act 10, so called Right to Work legislation and the divisive and extreme Walker and Trump administrations.